Saturday, October 10, 2009

medical for the dogs

sorry! for late to update! ^^
Firstly, 7 oct I bring my dogs to went to medical and make an injection in one year
My aunt and uncle bring their dogs
and I bring my house ones, they fetch us together to...

My new Cash! It's name Cash laa

自来狗用了我原本的狗的名 *说来话长

It's ah bui~ why? ^^
cause it in baby times was a fat fat girl, so we call it ''ah bui'' (客家话)

hahaXDD the doctor help us to cut it ''mouth wool''

See! @@


hahaXDD I laughhhhhh

seem like different dog, actually is same LoL~

cause he get skin disease, must cut it @@


Insane dog! So, we must tie it mouth

If no, it will bark loudddddddd :@

pitiful baby! it was very scare very scare~ =[

我怎么遇到一个酱烦的人 18岁了讲话好像小孩子酱 k下k下的 我已经在 你每次打来 都告诉你要睡了 是乎神经线在大X 讲多多 我真的很难受 你很烦啊! 我根本不想听你的东西 你认识谁你的事 烦死人没得医! 我真的真的很想说 你很烦啊! 告诉我要怎样拒绝你 我不想hurt人的好么 我已经尽量在避了 :$


3/10 moon day!
Dear and me went to seen JJ
Actually I wanna see only XDD
I want to thanks my dear, there damn hot and stew
but he also accompany me until saw JJ

When I saw him, Im damn crazy! hahaXDD
forgive me, dear! how long can I see him again **
I have to be jealous, reachel have VIP ticket and
she got hold hand with JJ >.<
mm zai~ mm zai~

JJ wants issue an album! NEW!
hahaXDD I wants buy I wants buy!
waiting...... money? ......

second time we see Fireworks together~
cant upload video =[

Money money money......