Saturday, September 19, 2009


I gotta get my phone --- Nokia 7390 ==
yaaa~ It's cheap! great phone of antique from my dad's shop
It's fashion , liu xing
But all the past tense ! wuwu~

I gotta get the antique handphone!
haii~ better than no phone laa

I date my sweet huiting, Weng and BoonKit (rare visitor) to go to TS yesterday
First time to date with that 2 guys hahaa =]
We plan to go to watch movie at there

What's the movie do we watch? hmmm
That's guys say Tsunami worr, what's that movie hahhh?
''You have only 10 minutes to save the one you love''
The title of that @@ seem like nice movie

G-FORCE, that's my huiting said want to watch
So, at last I tell them to comfirm at there tomorrow hahaaa
Good Idea! =]

no expect @@

I waiting uuuuu~
where did u goneeee