Sunday, September 6, 2009

something Today

I be absent my cutie BRO's show at his school
He was common to tell my mum
I have to go his school yesterday night
Originally, wanna go with mum to ''bong场''

Whatever..he only 5 years old =D
At last, truly repents for it
Although he won't disappointed with me
That I was ''slip of tongue''

Then I went to Pavilion with my dear again
sien sien siennnnn~
He cuts hair at sg.w
Then I hang out oneself when he cut-ing

I was very angry, used so so so long time
How the time Im spend~ @@
After that I back the salon I saw he cuted look like a child laa

Then we back pavilion had a dinner
and then to watch a movie, KungFu Cyborg
nice movie~ that I feel laa =]
funny and touched at laster T.T

1030 pm, reach home
bro take my mum's phone for me to view the pic&video
I so repent when view he video @@
my mum not a great photographer! =D

Next tuesday is my Joey big day!
Go anywhere?! only yumcha !
*We will out that day and given a suprise to HER

upload ''cutie Bro'' next time!

I like to look the eyes, that could see u ♥♥ me
Nowaday believe in the feeling

as I said, will u do
so I keep quiet
who won't know forever...