Saturday, September 5, 2009

New lookkk

I had to cut my hair just now
I had cut in front my hair (liu hai)
and behind also cut a bit
Let's me feel more lightness

How u guys feel?
Sweetheart was the first saw my photo
that she said Im look like a child
really like a child mehh? ==

But I wanna be more mature worr

Now, is the exam days in my school
day 1, the exam paper - BM & BI
just do do do ! untill last 20 minute
that I gets rest *sleepy haha

day 2, maths & akaun
cause I don't know
So I still got a lot of time to do

day 3, PM & sejarah
I sleep all the time

day 4, eko
Don't know arr~
I sleep at the time again ==

I really hateeeee u !
But I still l ♥ U 99